My recent retreat experience in Bordeaux was heart-warming, soul-nurturing and deeply emotive.
While it is hard to fully portray and describe its impact on me, I can state that it has highlighted that there is so much more to each and every one of us when we sit in our truth and present ourselves to the world from that place. I certainly witnessed in myself and in others, how impactful it is to be, act and communicate from our own unique and highly individual selves.
It goes without saying that ‘what happens on retreat, stays on retreat’, however, I can share some of the learnings I gained . . .
Photo Credit: (c) T J Allen Art
It is natural to hide our vulnerabilities from others but when you are in a safe place to speak with an open and honest truth, it is powerfully bonding. Throughout the retreat, we sat in circles around the fire/altar and took turns to speak. When you hold space and witness someone voicing something they find difficult to say or observe the crack in their voice as occasional tears silently trickle down their cheeks, there is a huge amount of resonance, empathy and trust generated. That beautiful, open space of sincerity provides everyone with the grace to speak from their heart, without any inhibited fear of judgement.
To speak from this place with no barriers is exceptionally powerful. While it seems illogical, there is undeniable strength in voicing your weaknesses and admitting your challenges to others. It takes bravery to push aside the act of pretending that we’ve got everything sorted in life. Social media can paint an illusion of perfection that we try to compare ourselves to, but it’s often a case of smoke and mirrors masking away the parts that are less desirable to share. I found it reassuring to be around people who were willing to open their hearts and simply be themselves.
To a degree, modern-day living has seriously reduced the way we interact with the natural world and the retreat was a full immersion back to how our ancestors appreciated life and mother nature. Four days of walking barefoot provided more connection with the earth. My sensitive soles were revived and ignited to new senses; from the cold, wetness of the dewy morning grass, to the sun-warmed ground later in the day. It is such a simple and natural act, yet our need for practicality in life has encased and bound our feet so they rarely get the opportunity to feel, touch and sense in the way they were born to do.
My eyes were also provided with continual feasts to feed off; from observing the sunrise each morning, to fully appreciating the trees and countryside location and ending the day looking up at the moon and stars. While this is something that we can all say we see and notice on a regular basis, the act during the retreat focused on an extended, extensive look and to appreciate the intricate details we normally skim past in our busy lives. I was once again reminded of the beauty in simplicity, in the act of slowing down and actively valuing the key elements of our world.
Photo Credits: (c) T J Allen Art
When was the last time you felt completely free and liberated in your body?
Have you ever felt able to dispel limitations and judgements and eliminate comparisons and inhibitions?
It can be a daunting prospect after years of conditioning, but to get out of your head, to put aside any negative thoughts, let the guards down and simply be in your body to let it act, sense and feel whatever it needs to, is quite euphoric.
The retreat was focused on what our bodies needed, or rather specifically what MY body needed. While we were guided on some fronts, the main point was to check in and listen to our own individual needs. We are often taught to physically copy others, but the strength and power remains in knowing our own bodies well enough to know exactly what it needs (…. not what the person next to you or the teacher is doing).
Whether it was yoga, somatic dance or singing, I thoroughly enjoyed allowing what needed to be expressed to be felt, sensed and acted out. I could simply switch off the analysis in my brain and allow the dialogue between my body and the music to ripple through my limbs and speak through movement and sound. It was a beautiful place to access.
While the retreat was a very personal experience and elements were focused purely on what I needed to get from it, the community and group aspect played a crucial and fundamental role. As a self-employed, solo entrepreneur, I know I’m seriously lacking in being part of a tribe and I miss the bonding and support levels that are associated with being part of something greater than me.
Real life connection is so much more invigorating than interacting with technology and screens. The real beauty I witnessed was how we bonded as individuals of all ages and from different walks of life, with no hierarchy, no focus on physical appearances or comparison of material possessions, status or wealth. We were simply seen for who we were. We gave and held space for each other. We listened intently to every person. We were ALL given chance to speak without a timeframe, to say as little or as much as we needed to be witnessed for, knowing there would be no judgement or criticism. While there were times of working through some difficult emotions, the best part was the daily laughter, joy, care and compassion we shared together.
I know so many people would benefit from an experience like this. If you ever feel called or serendipitously stumble across something similar, listen to your gut instinct. If your body is being pulled, jump on that sensation, go with an open mind and an open heart and give yourself permission to leave your inhibitions at the door.
“ My Retreat Take-Away Learning:
Live your one life to the best of your ability with connection, self-expression and community. ”