Bring wild animals, adventure and travel memories to your home with unique, collectable artwork that evokes a passion for nature.
UK pastel artist specialising in safari wildlife artwork inspired by African adventures.
My Inspiration
Safari lights up my soul. My experiences witnessing wildlife, both at home and abroad, fuels my imagination and sparks my artistic desires. I’m regularly complimented by safari guides on my eagle eyes and natural skill for spotting wildlife.
My Approach
I see myself as a creative chameleon. I go where inspiration leads, whether that’s via artwork, journal writing, photography, blogs or vlogs. I have deeper meanings and life lessons behind my work and I hope others connect to the messages I share.
My Practice
My original artwork has been touched physically by my hand, emotionally by my heart and spiritually by my soul. It goes beyond just painting a pretty picture; I bring a blank sheet of paper to life, capturing a part of who I am or what I’m going through at that moment in time.
My Process
Listening to music and singing while I work enables me to enter a zone where I’m in an instinctual flow between my heart and my hand. I don’t make conscious decisions, instead, I’m led by feelings as to what to do and how to do it. This is also how I choose what to work on next, I listen to what is calling me and what story needs to be told.
My Journey
I have many skills and many interests and it’s liberating to allow them to evolve without constriction. My creativity has led me to understand myself better and gain a better perspective of the greater scheme of life.
My Purpose
Time spent in nature allows me to tap into my inner core. It re-balances me, re-stores me and re-invigorates me. I’m drawn to creatively share my experiences and to take people on a journey of exploration alongside me. My aim is to shine a light and feed others’ imaginations with moments of inspiration, motivation and stimulation.