What do the King’s Coronation, burlesque and my artwork all have in common?! Read on to learn more . . .

Voyeurism vs Protected Sacred Acts

Today’s world of technology means everything can be shared, from what you ate for dinner to where you went at the weekend. While it’s become normalised to lift the lid and reveal anything and everything about yourself, I hold strong that ‘behind-the-scenes’ access has a time and place, and to some degree, also needs to be highly protected.
At the King’s Coronation, the sacred anointing ceremony was shielded from view, meaning the act was intimate, private and ever-more special for those involved. The same can be said for how I feel about creating my artwork. There are parts of my creative process that are useful to be shared, but I also need moments for just myself and the artwork so I can get in tune with my intuition and find a spiritual sense of flow as I work.

The Balance Of Intrigue

Burlesque is a perfect example of the art of intrigue as it shows the intricate play between revealing enough but not too much. There is power in the act of the tease and a high-class delivery is critical so that the audience is left wanting more. The ideal outcome is to charm, captivate and enthral before you step over the line of over-exposure and that’s where modern-day society/culture seems to be going wrong. Instagram, ‘reality’ tv programmes (spoiler alert: very little is actually real), have provided such in-depth access to people’s lives that we’ve moved into a world of over-sharing and sadly, it’s often for all the wrong reasons.
So, I challenge you to take a deeper look within to see how well you really know yourself.

Are you a teaser or an over-sharer?

Are your actions based on what others do or do you question yourself as to what seems relevant and how much is ‘just right’ to share?

Photo Credit: (c) T J Allen Art

To Know Thyself, Is The Beginning Of Wisdom

How many times have we seen famous people crash and burn because they get carried away and lose sight of themselves and who they are at their core? Have you witnessed people in your life who have let the gauntlet of busy, ‘noisy’ lives take them on a rollercoaster they feel unable to get off until something involuntarily throws them off the tracks?
When you keep something back for yourself, when you connect with your true self, that’s where you gain a better sense and understanding of self-validation. It’s not something you can get from others. Yes, it’s lovely to receive morale-boosting compliments from people, but the ego-stroking doesn’t compare with sitting down on your own and hearing your own voice …..
….. and yes, that’s the voice that truly matters! That’s the one you need to work on because while other people come and go, your inner voice is with you for life and only you can control whether it helps or hinders you along the way.

Photo Credit: (c) T J Allen Art

Developing A Sixth Sense

Over the last few years as my artwork has progressed, I’ve noticed a development within myself to feel the subtle sensations and pulls of knowingness that come from my gut instinct. There is something about quiet contemplation during creativity that switches on and dials up inner awareness. It is space within time and time alone in silence where the answers appear (that’s why people often get ideas in the shower - plus it's the only place of escape from being sucked into their phone).
It makes me wonder how many people are so over-stimulated by the instant gratification and bombardment of modern technology, that they are drifting through life without their own hands on the steering wheel? We all know social media and marketing schemes are designed to hook us in, and I wonder if this sense of walking blindly through space has also affected the ability to read signals within our own bodies?
How long have you been ignoring that constant niggle in your body?

How often do you keep pushing through even though you are already knackered?

What are you running away from vs what are you running towards and is it really the right way around?

Is it time to take a stock-take on your life and current choices?

Photo Credit: (c) T J Allen Art

Beautifully, Uniquely YOU

It took me quite a while to see what was staring me in the face. I had a sense of discomfort around what path most other people were on and while their choices didn’t feel right for me, I felt conflicted and questioned whether I was supposed to follow in order to be ‘successful’ or ‘socially accepted’.
The longer I’ve spent getting to know myself, the stronger I am in my conviction to pave my own path and to follow the signs and signals I feel personally called upon.
I hope this blog has provide some food for thought.

I’ll leave you with a question to ponder upon:

​If you were patient and quiet enough to listen, what inner answers might you hear?

Photo Credit: (c) T J Allen Art
