Photo Credit: (c) T J Allen Art

Make It An Event

Who doesn’t love going on holiday? The planning, the anticipation, the countdown build-up. It all adds to the occasion. 

​I am a great believer in spontaneity but for this example the key is to create extended excitement. Put a date in the diary for your ‘UK Safari’ and spend time working out a plan of your route. As an added bonus, if you choose somewhere you’ve never been before, the new experience will not only trigger a release of dopamine but it will create new neural pathways in the brain.

Who knew?! Sounds great to me.
Bring On The Packing

Next up, get your ‘packing’ organised the night prior:

  • Clothes (layers if necessary) laid out ready

  • Suitable footwear placed by the door

  • Camera/phone charged (with enough memory for pictures/videos)

  • Food/drink packed (if needed)

  • Set the alarm!

The Early Bird

Holidays and early mornings seem to go hand-in-hand. On a normal day you probably wouldn’t dream of getting up at the crack of dawn (or bouncing out with excitement), but when it’s holiday time and you are keen to race to the airport it becomes fun. Seasoned safari-goers will know that morning game drives start at 5am or 5.30am depending on the time of year. Heading out just before the sun breaks is a stunning way to start the day, but more importantly, it’s prime time for spotting wildlife.
I reckon if it works in Africa, it works for the UK. So what are you waiting for?
