Photo Credit: (c) T J Allen Art

Timing Is Everything

Nature doesn’t have a schedule. There is no ‘go to the fox field at 8pm for feeding time’. That said, there will be habits of animal activities that are more likely to happen at certain times than others. Midday is likened to the ‘graveyard shift’ as a lot of animals will be asleep so it’s probably best avoided unless you are happy seeking butterflies, birds and such-like.
I’ve identified three prime times to focus your efforts on:
1 Dawn and Dusk

These are obvious safari times to replicate because there is not only the chance of seeing a cross-over of day and night creatures, but there is also potential to witness beautiful skyscapes.

Watching the amber glow of the sun spread and envelope its warmth across the horizon as the brightness levels are dialled up, often makes me start humming the Lion King ‘Circle of Life’ theme tune in my head! It never fails to make me smile. 

On the flip side, sunsets produce the most glorious spectacle of multi-coloured hues and tonal variances. As the sun begins to dip and the shadows start to lengthen, there is a significant change in the atmosphere, often heralded with a cacophony from the skies as flocks of birds return home to roost.
Both ends of the day are also nicknamed ‘Golden Hour’ by photographers as the sun produces a soft, warm light with low-angled shadows; a perfect combination for atmospheric images.
2 Post Heat Wave

This may be a rare occurrence for the UK but as we aren’t used to it, the benefit is that the animals aren’t used to it either. After the stifling heat of the day, the promise of cooler evening temperatures lures animals and people alike. 

3 Post Rain

Not such a rare occurrence! If you tune in carefully, you’ll notice that the birds in particular, know exactly when the rain has completely finished because they joyously break into song. Animals that have been hunkering down are keen to escape so get your ring-side view . . . and you never know, there might be a lucky rainbow to spot.

Hmmm, I can sense your lack of enthusiasm...... the thought of a cosy sofa is rather appealing..... but after being cooped up, experiencing the freshness in the air will provide the ideal energy and mood boost.
​I promise!


